Contribute to the Harvest

Partner with Advance Utah

Partner with Advance Utah in both giving and prayer. Your support will help establish a healthy church in every Utah town. Advance Utah's mission is to build, revitalize, and strengthen local churches.


Our current annual fundraising goals are $20,000 for church planting, $10,000 for revitalization, $10,000 for missionary care, and $10,000 for seminary development.

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Specific ways you can support us in Prayer

Church Plants

Funding is one of the biggest obstacles church planters must overcome to reach a spiritually void area. We estimate that it will cost a church plant about $20,000 in initial funds just to start their church in Utah. This is not including monthly rent, yearly fees, and utilities.


Even established churches go through hardships, and emergencies. In many cases, a church may need a ministry-minded family or extra funds to overcome these setbacks.

Church Building

Bethel Builders provides interest-free loans for church building projects. Having an interest-free loan helps churches use their funds for updates to their church building and expansion  As these funds are paid back, they can be used again for the next church.

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